Saturdays match between Freiburg and Paderborn from all available statistics is highly predictable that the host club Freiburg will win.
Freiburg which is currently among the top flyers in the German Bundesliga table. Their are currently occupying the 7th position with 29 points from 18 matches far from Paderborn which are currently at the bottom of the Bundesliga table of 18 clubs with a total of 12 points from 18 matches recording just 3 winnings so far, 3 Draws and 12 match lost with a high risk of being relegated. These shows that Paderborn performance this season is far below average and cannot be compared to that of Freiburg.
From record, the two clubs Head to Head performance shows that Paderborn has never defeated Freiburg or even played a Draw in all of their Head to Head matches. The winning difference for Freiburg has always come with two goals and above.
In conclusion, Freiburg have won three of their last four Bundesliga games at the Schwarzwald Stadion, with the just one defeat from Bayern Munich and Paderborn have lost 10 of their last 14 away games in the top flight, so I am very confident that the host Freiburg will defeat Paderborn in Saturday's match.
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