«Leicester City» — «Burnley» prediction by Tony Okafor. Premier League

Leicester City has a current performance rating of 71% while Burnley has a performance rating of 50%. Leicester City is Currently No. 4 on the League table while Burnley is at the No. 7 having played a total 8 matches each.

2019/2020 Premier League Summary

Home and away statistics (Premier League)

Matches played by Leicester City (8):

  • Wins - 4
  • Draw - 2
  • Losses - 2
  • Home Win - 3
  • Away Win - 1

Matches played by Burnley (8):

  • Wins - 3
  • Draw - 3
  • Losses - 2
  • Home Win - 3
  • Away Win - 0

Leicester City is playing Home and Burnley is playing away, therefore, from the table above, Leicester City has an impressive performance in their home matches winning 3 out of 8 of their matches in the premier league this season, from the table, Burnley which will be playing from away have had a very poor performance so far playing from away.

Head to Head

Leicester City

  • Win - 10
  • Draw - 6


  • Win - 7
  • Draw - 6

Leicester City and Burnley have played a total of 16 matches up to year 2019, with Leicester City winning 10 matches out of 16 and Burnley winning 7 out of 16 showing that from statistics Leicester City has more advantage to win. Then judging from their most recent meeting this year, Leicester City won Burnley by a 2:1 goal aggregate.

Current Performances

Judging from the seven most recent playing performances of the two clubs, Leicester City won five with three stretch winnings before losing finally their last game with Liverpool, no draw out of the seven matches and lost only 2. But Burnley has won 2, Drawn 3 and lost 2.

Single Bet: Win
England. Premier League
Leicester City - Burnley
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