«Oleksandriya» — «VfL Wolfsburg» prediction by Tony Okafor

The match between Olexandriya and Wolfsburg is expected to produce goals. Olexandriya which are currently on the bottom of the table in the EUFA Europa Group I with a total of 3 points from 4 matches without a winning so far but has picked Draws in 3 out of the 4 matches. Olexandriya needs a winning to keep alive their qualifying hope and therefore are determined to win this match as they play host to Wolfsburg. On the other hand Wolfsburg is currently occupying the 2nd position from 4 matches with a total point of 5 and also needs a winning coupled with a draw or defeat for St-Étienne at home to Gent to qualify from this group.

From statistics in the seasons EUFA Europa Group I, one thing that is noticeable is the scoring ability of this two clubs and also their tendency to concede to goals. Olexandriya which has played a total of 4 matches has scored at least a goal in all the four matches played so far and has also conceded at least a goal in all the four matches.

Wolfsburg on the other hand in the four matches that they have played so far in the Group I of the EUFA Europa League has scored at least a goal and also conceded to at least a goal in all the matches.

Considering their Head to Head play, the two clubs has only meet for the first time in their first leg match in the Group I EUFA Europa League which ended with a score line of 3:1 to the favour of the Germany side Wolfsburg which also confirm their ability to score against each other.

Therefore, I am optimistic that this match will end with each team scoring against each other.

Single Bet: Loss
UEFA Europa League
Oleksandriya - VfL Wolfsburg
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